For the domain holders who have valid written service agreements with KTU made until 13 March 2007, it is recommended to create an account in the self-service at and submit a request in the specified format for a replacement of the written agreement by an electronic one to the IPC. In this case, according to the newly made service agreement, the general prices for the IPC services are applied to the registrant and services are provided electronically.
A request form that has to be sent by email
A request form for natural persons
A request form for legal entities
A request by a legal entity and a natural person can be signed using a qualified electronic signature.
If the natural person’s request is not signed using an electronic signature, a copy of the personal identity document has to be attached to the request. A legal entity’s request has to be signed by the head or the authorised person; a copy of the document certifying the authorisation has to be attached.
A request has to contain a login name and email address specified in the domain holder’s account created in the self-service at
Upon the request and verification of the data on the account, the domain will be transferred to the system.
As long as the written service agreement made until 13 March 2017 is valid, the registrant pays the IDP the prices for the services agreed in the service agreement and sends the orders to the IPC by post or email
The changing of the name servers and contact information for the registrants who do not have and do not want to have an account in the IPC information system and use electronic services.
The domain holders who do not want to replace their valid written service agreements made until 13 March 2007 by the electronic ones have to send their printed, filled in and signed orders to the IPC by post or email
An order form for the data change:
A request form for natural persons
A request form for legal entities
Transfer of the registrar or domain trade to another person
The domain holders who do not want to replace their valid written service agreements made until 13 March 2007 by the electronic ones have to send their printed, filled in and signed orders to the IPC by post or email
An order form for the registrar transfer:
A request form for natural persons
A request form for legal entities
An order form for the domain trade:
A request form for natural persons
A request form for legal entities